상무지구호빠 O1O.5712.0948 상무지구호스트빠 상무지구텍빠 상무지구정빠

상무지구호빠 O1O.5712.0948 상무지구호스트빠 상무지구텍빠 상무지구정빠

상무지구호빠 O1O.5712.0948 상무지구호스트빠 상무지구텍빠 상무지구정빠

상무지구호빠 O1O.5712.0948 상무지구호스트빠 상무지구텍빠 상무지구정빠

Do Seon-ji nodded at Jeong Yi-hyun’s words and made a face that fully underst

ood Jeong Yi-hyeon’s feelings.”My family and my disciples all died. It’s because

of that little wooden box, do you know who did that…?”Do Seon-ji shook his hea

d when he asked with an angry expression while talking about him.”It was like tha

t in the political faction, and it wasn’t just one or two people, it was people from

many factions!””The Murim Mang…?”At Do Seon-ji’s words, Jeong Yi-hyeon nod

ded. When the word Murimmaeng came out, Jeong Yi-hyeon’s eyes burned with r

esentment.”I couldn’t believe… that they…, they… would commit such atrocities…”

Jeong Yi-hyeon muttered that and looked at his wooden box.”It’s all because of thi

s mokham!”Jeong Yi-hyeon, who shouted so, struck his wooden box with his right

hand in anger. Do Seon-ji was startled by Jeong Yi-hyeon’s sudden action and trie

d to stop him. Because even a little damage is a big loss.Do Seon-ji woke up unkno

wingly at Jung Yi-hyeon’s action of hitting such a precious object.Quick!The tree cra

상무지구호빠 O1O.5712.0948 상무지구호스트빠 상무지구텍빠 상무지구정빠

cked and a thin yellowish booklet emerged from it. Jeong Yi-hyeon also hit his wooden

box and realized his mistake and stopped his hand in the middle, so the booklet was n

ot damaged. The eyes of Jeong Yi-hyeon and Do Seon-ji were trembling as they loo

ked at the small booklet.“Is this this?He muttered involuntarily, and Jeong Yi-hyeon’

s hand trembled as he held the booklet. With this, the joy of not only avenging his fam

ily but also gaining the power to conquer the world rose up in his heart. All the hards

hips so far have turned into joy.”Hide me.”Do Seon-ji looked at the booklet with trembl

ng eyes at Jeong Yi-hyeon’s words, then came to his senses and sat down. Jeong Yi-hy

eon spoke again toward such a doseonji.“I can’t close my eyes like this, I will learn this

and take revenge without fail.Do Seon-ji smiled at Jeong Yi-hyeon’s words and node

d his head.”I think I know your grievance, I will help you.””Thank you, thank you very

much!”Jeong Yi-hyeon looked at Do Seon-ji with eyes that were truly grateful for Do S

eon-ji’s words.”I will never forget Do hyung’s grace.”When Jeong Yi-hyeon held Do Seo

상무지구호빠 O1O.5712.0948 상무지구호스트빠 상무지구텍빠 상무지구정빠

n-ji’s hand and said, Do Seon-ji encouraged Jeong I-hyeon by holding her hand tightly.

And he quietly said to Jeong Yi-hyeon.”By the way, does anyone know you’ve been here?”

“No, no one has stopped anyone from Soju to here.”Do Seon-ji nodded at Jeong Yi-hye

on’s words, released Jeong’s hand, and stood up.”Fortunately, if someone else knew, it w

ouldn’t have been easy to evade the Murim Meng’s pursuit. Fortunately, only you know,

so I’ll hide it, follow me.”