광주룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 광주노래방 광주노래클럽 광주풀싸롱

광주룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 광주노래방 광주노래클럽 광주풀싸롱

광주룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 광주노래방 광주노래클럽 광주풀싸롱

광주룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 광주노래방 광주노래클럽 광주풀싸롱

‘Sylph, sylph, sylph, sylph…’If that doesn’t work, even if you look at fluorescent lights and incandescent ligh

ts ….‘Appear, appear, appear, appear…’Honestly, that’s what I think.I was thinking that tomorrow I should

go to the internet and find out the name of the light spirit.But in the end, I couldn’t see any spirits.And as th

e time of continuing such futility continued to pass, and when the weekend came again, IWithout hesitation

, he climbed Mt. Bulam again and repeated the same actions on the same course, butI couldn’t see the city s

pirits again.And another week passes, another week passes, and what started in October ends in December

When it didn’t come to fruition, I was also concluding that I was crazy.Yes, honestly, it’s crazy. There’s no s

uch thing as a spirit in this world.I sit in my room late at night today and light a candleWhile singing ‘Casa,

Salamanda’, he was left with a lethargic look.Phew–I sighed, pulled out a cigarette, and lit a candle.Puffy

광주룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 광주노래방 광주노래클럽 광주풀싸롱

PuffyIt looked like there was a defective product at the end of the cigarette.Tobacco requires the fine, high-

quality leaves to be shredded, but sometimes stems are included.There was, and if you are unlucky, there w

as a case where there were lumps because they were not cut according to the standard.In this case, the ciga

rette does not burn well and does not light well. and it’s a cigaretteIf you are at the end, sometimes it catc

hes fire like now.But it soon turns off…As expected, the fire at the end of the cigarette soon went out, leav

ing only a red ember.And it was only after the mass was burned that the spicy smoke passed through the

mouth and into the lungs.I was a little dizzy, perhaps because I was staring at the candles for a long time,

광주룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 광주노래방 광주노래클럽 광주풀싸롱

r because the blood was flowing from smoking.all.“It’s been pinging for the first time in a while…”I spit to

myself and shook my cigarette ash in the ashtray.“Today, they are still invisible.”I became dejected.“A fire

spirit… a fire spirit.”The moment I called so desperately, the flame of the candle suddenly flickered.I was

indifferent, thinking it was just the wind blowing.However, I was worried for some reason, perhaps becaus

e I had only seen candlelight that hadn’t changed in the meantime.

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